301 Scholars!

301 Scholars!
This is from when we earned our first 25 coupons!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Our Field Trip and Halloween Party!

Today was a great day! We left school at 8:45 and walked to see the sculptures on Poplar Ave. Mike and his wife showed us around their yard with all the sculptures. We were able to touch and play with them. We learned that each sculpture weighs 100s and even 1000s of pounds!

After that, we walked down the street to the Carrboro Fire Department. We learned the 4 important things to remember if we call 911. They are: your name, address, phone number, and what your emergency is. We also learned what to do if we live on the 2nd or 3rd floor. The fire fighter told us that we should have an escape ladder in our rooms to escape in case of a fire.

Then, we walked next door to town hall. Here we heard from different people about how our town works. They talked about different town departments. The highlight of that was when the police chief was talking and the police officers showed up from different places along with the SWAT team!! This was so awesome! There are so many people who help run our town! They are all important in different ways!

Last, we walked up to the cemetery where we answered questions. We had to run around looking for the answers on the different gravestones. We took a quick tour of Carr Mill Mall to see where the mill used to be on our way back to school. 

We walked back to school, enjoyed our lunch, had reading, and then celebrated HALLOWEEN!! We had a ton of fun going around the room to different centers. We enjoyed a scavenger hunt, decorated cupcakes, mummy wrapped our friends, and had yummy snacks! Thanks to all the parents who made this party successful and lots of fun!!

Have a happy and safe Halloween!! :)

1 comment:

  1. My compliments to Miss DeCarlo's class: you were all so well behaved and listened to the directions which made the Halloween party very enjoyable. Thank you to all the parents for your help and supplies; the kids had a great time!
    Erin's Mom
